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  • How do I add a new question?
    To add a new question go to app settings and press "Manage Questions" button.
  • Can I insert pictures in my FAQ?
    Yes! To add a picture follow these simple steps: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a picture to When editing your answer, click on the picture icon and then add an image from your library
  • What is Higher Assistance?
    Higher Assistance is a spiritual practice in which a Spiritual Medium channels a Guide or Ancestral Spirits in order to get advice and messages for people in need of guidance and support. We have been in practice for over 7 years and assist people both nationally and internationally. We also have partnerships and host special events with other healers and spiritual practitioners of various traditions, including Reiki healers, Ifa practitioners, and psychologists.
  • What's the difference between a Cowry Reading and a Spiritual Reading?
    The Cowry Reading is driven by ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers with spirits giving messages in between. It is a mixture of shell reading and a psychic medium receiving messages. People generally get these readings when they have specific questions that they need answered. The cowry reading lasts 45 minutes. The Spirit reading is a reading where the psychic medium actually goes into trance and channels the Spirit Guide to connect with your ancestors and advise you on issues ranging from past life experiences, to your path of destiny and current day advice, etc. During this reading ancestors and spirit guides may reveal themselves. The Spirit Reading lasts 1.5 hours.
  • How do I prepare for my Reading?
    It is recommended that you pray, chant or meditate before your reading and connect to spirit in whatever way you prefer. You may want to light a candle and fill a glass with water to offer to you ancestors, you can also pray to ancestors, angels and deities to alert them that a conversation will soon take place. There are some who prefer to fast before their reading or cleanse with holy water or sage. Any spiritual practice that activates your spirituality is helpful to the reading being a success.
  • Is there any possibility that the Reading won’t work?
    In our experience it is difficult to do readings for people who do not believe or are not fully open to the experience. When someone is doubtful or suspicious they can create energetic boundaries that block their information from surfacing. This is a catch 22 because since they believe that the reading will not work, the reading actually does not work. They are energetically refusing to share information. For these people practices like Reiki, Chakra work, and other spiritual systems may help them to open up energetically and help them form beliefs in spirit before they come to get a reading.
  • Is there a Cheaper or Shorter Spiritual Reading? What if I can't Afford It?
    There are not shorter Spiritual readings because it's impossible to do them in reduced time. If you really need a Spiritual reading and can't afford it, we do allow people to pay over time via a payment plan. There are also people who get readings with two people together so they can split the cost. However, if you share a reading you should be sure that you don't mind the person listening in and hearing your personal information.
  • How would a Payment Plan work?
    We would first divine as to whether Spirit agrees to give you a payment plan. These plans are generally only available to existing clients. Most often the person is required to pay $121 up front and then pay the remaining balance within 1 month. A paypal invoice will be emailed to you. This open invoice can be paid in numerous installments with a credit or debit card until the balance is settled. A person who has not settled the balance on their payment plan cannot get another reading or participate in any events until they do so.
  • Does Higher Assistance do Conferences or Speeches?
    Yes, We speak annually at the Association of Black Psychology Conference and we have participated in the "Tapping into Spirit" podcast and online talks at "A Healing Paradigm" Psychological Practice. We are available to speak to groups. However, we do not guarantee that we will channel spirit at every event as that is up to the spirit entities to decide on a case by case basis. Please email if you are interested in booking a speaking engagement.
  • Can I record my Reading?
    You can record your cowry shell reading. You cannot record your reading with the Spirit. We recommend that you have pen and paper available to take notes during your reading. You can have someone else listen in if you want someone to take notes for you.
  • What is a Shrine Reading and how much does it cost?
    You can request a Shrine Reading by emailing A shrine reading is a direct reading at your shrine with your ancestors. Zawadi will serve as a channel to give direct voice to the messages coming from your shrine. These readings can only be done in person, at your ancestor shrine and can be done with or without the Spirit Guide. During these readings ancestors and spirit guides reveal themselves and give advice and instruction to their descendant. The price for these readings range from $400 -$521 per session. Sessions generally last several hours depending upon how many messages are received. There is no way to guarantee what the ancestors will relay during these sessions.
  • What is Spiritual Coaching ?
    Are you experiencing spiritual phenomenon that you cannot explain or control? Do you feel that you have a spiritual purpose that you do not know how to fulfill? Do you want to establish a stronger and more direct connection with your ancestors and spirit guides? Zawadi will use prayer to call the ancestors to the table. Together we can work with you over the course of several sessions, or in a single session, to try and help you. We can work together to develop your intuition or create a better relationship with your ancestral spirits, lead you through a 9-day ancestor prayer, uncover and activate your gifts, or just listen to help you get comfort and clarity. Advice and activities will be provided as needed to encourage your overall evolution and spiritual growth. This service is $71 per 45 min session (and $1 per minute thereafter). These sessions can be booked directly on the site. Note: These sessions are free flowing, and structure is determined by advice given to Zawadi intuitively by spirit.
  • Does Higher Assistance prescribe to any particular Religion. Do I have to be in a Religion to participate?
    The majority of the wok that we do is ancestral connection. This connection with spirit is common in African and Eastern religions as well as American Indian traditions. We respect all religions and do not prescribe to any one religion, though Ifa is the favorite practice of the medium that does the channeling.
  • If I belong to an Ile (Ifa House) can I still get a Reading from Higher Assistance?
    Yes. There are some Spiritual Teachers who work in conjunction with this Spiritual Work. However, it is recommended that you get permission and inform your Babalao, Iya or Spiritual Teacher that you are planning to get a reading from Higher Assistance. Please do not come to Higher Assistance to ask for confirmation on a reading that you already received in your Ile.
  • How do Psychologists integrate these Readings into the services they offer?
    Higher Assistance works together with several psychologists who do group and individual therapy. Spiritual Readings are not covered by insurance and are not considered part of a Psychologist's work. You will have to pay for the reading on your own and consider it a cultural practice. Your counselor can listen in as you are getting your reading. You can discuss with your counselor how you want to use the information from this experience.
  • What is a Group Reading?
    A group reading is a conference call where a spirit discusses a particular topic. Everyone on the conference call mutes their phone to listen for approx. 1 hour to the message being shared. Each person is invited by name to ask 1 question related to the topic being discussed. You cannot record these calls, however, these conference calls are recorded by Higher Assistance staff. No one's name will ever be shared with the public, however comments may be shared. Transcripts of these groups are sometimes made available for sale after the call.
  • What is a Misa?
    A Misa is a group event that is done by the medium that channels spirits for Higher Assistance. During this event each participant is cleaned before and after with a spiritual bath. The Spiritual bath is a mixture of Holy Water, Florida Water, Efun (holy chalk made of eggshells) and flowers. This is used by each participant in the circle to clear their energy. Once the energy is cleared the ancestors are called into the circle and spiritual messages are shared with the group from any spirit that shows up to speak. Some of the messages are personal messages and some are for the entire group. Sometimes people can identify the spirit speaking to them and sometimes they cannot. Misa can be booked privately for groups at a rate of $100 per person with a 10 person minimum. Misas are often hosted in NYC as special events. Misas are generally 2-3 hour events. Subscribe to the site to be informed of special events or email if you want to request a Misa.
  • What is Chant and Channel?
    Chant and Channel is a special event in which a group of people join together either virtually or in person to chant and channel ancestral song, poetry, and chant. Though the session is led by Higher Assistance, all members of the group are equally welcome to lend their voices. Often times a spiritualist is present to lead guided prayer while the spirits are singing through the medium, someone is playing instruments or chimes, some are sitting silently in contemplation, or chanting the same word continually. Each Chant and channel session is an organic collective culmination of sound healing. People must register for Chant and Channel and it is only available to current Higher Assistant clients. However, a Chant and Channel Session can be booked privately at the rate of $50 per person with a 10 person minimum similar to a Misa. email if interested.
  • What is the refund policy for Higher Assistance Readings?
    To receive a full refund cancellations must be made within 24 hours. The cancellation request must be emailed to at least 24 hours before your reading or event. You may also receive credit to attend future special events if you were not able to make it. There are no refunds for Individual Readings outside of the 24 hour grace period.
  • What is a Gift Reading?
    You can email in order to purchase a reading for friends and family. The person that is receiving the Gift Reading can book on the website under "Redeem Your Gift" without being charged. Discounted Gift Readings are offered during the Holiday Season. However, Gift Readings can be purchased at any time.

Please contact us via email for questions about booking, payment or services. All questions are good questions.   


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